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Programming Languages Python | Install Python on Windows

Programming Languages Python

Programming languages Python is an open-source programming language created by Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum, named after the British sketch comedy group Monty. Python is a high-level programming language, with applications in numerous areas, including web programming, scripting, scientific computing, machine learning, data science, data analysis, and artificial intelligence.

It runs on all the major operating systems and computers and is used to build web servers, create desktop applications, and everything in between. Because of its popularity, there is a significant demand for Python programmers. Python is processed at runtime by the interpreter and there is no need to compile your program before executing it.

Characteristics of Programming Languages Python

  • Object-Oriented
  • High-Level Language
  • Interpreted
  • Dynamic
  • Multipurpose

Prerequisites for Learning Python

It is not necessary to know any other programming language before learning Python. There are no special prerequisites to learn Python you will learn in this course from basic to advanced.

Why to Choose Python as a Beginner

If you are new to programming or want to be a developer it is an important question for you.

As you can see Python syntax is very simple and easy to learn as a beginner it is an advantage for you and not just for a beginner it is also a good choice for a developer to learn Python because Python has a vast market as we discussed above.

Where Python can use

  • Web Programming
  • Desktop Applications
  • Games
  • Testing (Automation)
  • Enterprise

Companies that use Python

  • Google (YouTube)
  • Facebook (Tornado)
  • Dropbox
  • Yahoo
  • Nasa
  • IBM
  • Mozilla

How to Install Python on Windows

Python Installation

Python’s latest versions are 1. X, 2. X, and 3. X both python versions 2. X and 3. X is used currently.

In this course, we will use Python’s latest version 3.7. You can download the latest version of python from here: https://www.python.org/downloads/

Step 1:

programming languages python

Step 2:

 python language

Step 3:

programming languages python

Step 5:

programming languages python

Step 6:

programming languages python

After installing Python open Windows PowerShell and type python it will launch Python as you can see in the following image.

Python language

Download the Pycharm community version from Pycharm’s official website: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/.

You can also use any other IDE except Pycharm.

Installation of Pycharm

It is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) It helps us to run Python programming with an attractive interface with many features that can make your life easy.

Step 1:

Download the community edition of Pycharm.

programming languages python

Step 2:

Click on next.

programming languages python

Step 3:

Click on next.

programming languages python

Step 4:

Click on next.

programming languages python

Step 5:

Click on Install.

 python programming

Step 6:

programming languages python

Step 7:

Click on finish.

programming languages python

Step 8:

Click on do not import setting and click ok.

Step 9:

Here your Pycharm will be launched.

Step 10:

After launching pycharm community addition this window will appear click on skip renaming and set default button.

Step 11:

Click on Create New Project.

Step 12:

Select Existing interpreter and click on the menu button.

Step 13:

Select system interpreter and click on the ok button.

Now your Pycharm is ready to use.

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